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Kräuter der Provence

Kräuter der Provence

Regular price €17,28 EUR
Regular price Sale price €17,28 EUR
Unit price €192,00  per  kg
Sale Sold out
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Füllmenge: 90g

AROMICA® Kräuter der Provence: Mediterranes Aroma für deine Küche

Die gefriergetrockneten AROMICA® Kräuter der Provence, bestehend aus Rosmarin, Estragon, Thymian, Kerbel und Majoran, bringen das typische, feinwürzige Aroma der französischen und mediterranen Küche in deine Gerichte. Verleihe ihnen einen unverwechselbaren Geschmack.


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AROMICA® premium herbs

For all cooks who don't have access to a "small bed" , premium herbs provide excellent services. The finest AROMICA® herbs are available dried and rubbed as well as freeze-dried. They are optimally preserved through a special process and develop their original freshness and full aroma again when they come into contact with moisture.